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FG16OH1R16–0.6/1 kV

FG16OH1R16–0.6/1 kV

  • Brand Name: HuaDong Cable
  • Name: FG16OH1R16–0.6/1 kV
  • Standard: Italian Standard Cables
  • Voltage Rating: 300/500 V, 450/750 V, 0.6/1 kV
  • Conductor: Flexible, Plain Copper wire, Class 5
  • Email: huadong@hdcablegroup.com
  • Discount Price

What is FG16OH1R16?

FG16OH1R16–0.6/1 kV is multicore power cables, copper tape screened, HEPR insulated (G16 quality), PVC sheathed, with special fire reaction characteristics and according to Construction Products Regulation (CPR). Resistant to fire propagation with reduced emission of corrosive gases under fire conditions.

FG16OH1R16 Cable

FG16OH1R16 Cable Caratteristiche Tecniche

Rated voltage Uo/U 0.6/1 kV
Maximum operating temperature 90°C
Minimum operating temperature -15°C
Short circuit temperature 250°C
Minimum radius of curvature 4 times the outer diameter

FG16OH1R16 Cable Application:

FG16OH1R16 Cable is used for fixed laying indoor and outdoor, even in wet environments, in pipes and dumps, metal structures, masonry, underground.
FG16OH1R16 Cable for installation in surface mounted or on metallic structures; direct laying in earth permitted. Normally used in the interconnections of machinery or parts of them, when a certain degree of protection is needed against electromagnetic interference. See also the guide to use standard CEI 20-67.

FG16OH1R16 Cable

FG16OR16 Cores Colour

2: Blue, Brown;
3: Green/Yellow, Blue, Brown; Brown, Black, Grey;
4: Green/Yellow, Brown, Black, Grey; Blue, Brown, Black, Grey;
5: Green/Yellow, Blue, Brown, Black, Grey; Blue, Brown, Black, Grey, Black.

FG16OR16 0.6/1 kV Technical Data

Formation Approx. conductor Ø Average insulation thickness Average sheath thickness Approx. production Ø Approx. cable weight Max. electrical resistance   at 20°C Current rating
Portata di corrente
Formazione Ø
max a 20°C
In pipe in air
In tubo in aria
Underground in pipe
In tubo interrato
n° x mm2 mm mm mm mm kg/km ohm/ km A A
 2 cores x mm2
2 x 1,5 1,6 0,7 1,8 11,4 210 13,30 22 23
2 x 2,5 1,9 0,7 1,8 12,4 250 7,98 30 30
2 x 4 2,5 0,7 1,8 13,7 295 4,95 40 39
2 x 6 3,0 0,7 1,8 14,9 364 3,30 51 49
2 x 10 4,0 0,7 1,8 17,0 500 1,91 69 66
2 x 16 5,0 0,7 1,8 19,0 690 1,21 91 86
2 x 25 6,2 0,9 1,8 22,8 995 0,780 119 111
2 x 35 7,6 0,9 1,8 25,2 1270 0,554 140 136
2 x 50 8,9 1,0 1,8 29,0 1679 0,386 175 168
2 x 70 10,5 1,1 1,8 32,4 2260 0,272 221 207
2 x 95 12,5 1,1 2,0 36,4 2837 0,206 265 215
2 x 120 13,7 1,2 2,0 39,8 3570 0,161 305 284
2 x 150 15,0 1,4 2,2 44,2 4321 0,129 334 324
 3 cores x mm2 with green/yellow
3 x 1,5 1,6 0,7 1,8 11,9 230 13,30 19,5 19
3 x 2,5 1,9 0,7 1,8 13,2 285 7,98 26 25
3 x 4 2,5 0,7 1,8 14,5 360 4,95 35 32
3 x 6 3,0 0,7 1,8 15,6 421 3,30 44 41
3 x 10 4,0 0,7 1,8 17,9 610 1,91 60 55
3 x 16 5,0 0,7 1,8 20,0 800 1,21 80 72
3 x 25 6,2 0,9 1,8 24,1 1177 0,780 105 93
3 x 35 7,6 0,9 1,8 26,7 1527 0,554 128 114
3 x 50 8,9 1,0 1,8 31,2 2117 0,386 154 141
3 x 70 10,5 1,1 1,9 34,4 2778 0,272 194 174
3 x 95 12,5 1,1 2,0 38,0 3563 0,206 233 206
3 x 120 13,7 1,2 2,1 41,8 4434 0,161 268 238
3 x 150 15,0 1,4 2,3 46,6 5521 0,129 300 272
3 x 185 17,7 1,6 2,4 55,1 6883 0,106 340 306
3 x 240 19,9 1,7 2,6 60,9 9050 0,0801 398 360
3 x 300 22,4 1,8 2,8 67,5 11080 0,0641 455 -
 4 cores x mm2 with green/yellow
4 x 1,5 1,6 0,7 1,8 12,6 255 13,30 19,5 19
4 x 2,5 1,9 0,7 1,8 14,2 316 7,98 26 25
4 x 4 2,5 0,8 1,8 15,5 398 4,95 35 32
4 x 6 3,0 0,7 1,8 16,7 494 3,30 44 41
4 x 10 4,0 0,7 1,8 19,4 717 1,91 60 55
4 x 16 5,0 0,7 1,8 21,8 981 1,21 80 72
4 x 25 6,2 0,9 1,8 26,3 1450 0,780 105 93
 3 cores + 1/2 green/yellow mm2
3 x 35 + 25 7,6/6,2 0,9/0,9 1,8 28,0 1756 0,554/0,780 128 114
3 x 50 + 25 8,9/6,2 1,0/0,9 1,8 32,5 2331 0,386/0,780 154 141
3 x 70 + 35 10,5/7,6 1,1/0,9 1,9 36,5 3122 0,272/0,554 194 174
3 x 95 + 50 12,5/8,9 1,1/1,0 2,1 40,8 4046 0,206/0,386 233 206
3 x 120 + 70 13,7/10,5 1,2/1,1 2,2 44,8 5089 0,161/0,272 268 238
3 x 150 + 95 15,0/12,5 1,4/1,1 2,4 50,2 6404 0,129/0,206 300 272
3 x 185 + 95 17,7/12,5 1,6/1,1 2,5 55,4 7648 0,106/0,206 340 306
3 x 240 + 150 19,9/15,0 1,7/1,4 2,7 63,5 9960 0,0801/0,129 398 360
3 x 300 + 150 22,4/19,9 1,8/1,4 2,9 74,6 11900 0,0641/0,129 455 -
5 cores x mm2 with green/yellow
5 x 1,5 1,6 0,7 1,8 13,7 290 13,30 19,5 19
5 x 2,5 1,9 0,7 1,8 15,2 370 7,98 26 25
5 x 4 2,5 0,7 1,8 16,7 470 4,95 35 32
5 x 6 3,0 0,7 1,8 18,2 593 3,30 44 41
5 x 10 4,0 0,7 1,8 21,2 865 1,91 60 55
5 x 16 5,0 0,7 1,8 23,9 1190 1,21 80 72
5 x 25 6,2 0,9 1,8 28,9 1749 0,780 105 93
5 x 35 7,6 0,9 1,8 32,9 2300 0,554 128 114
5 x 50 8,9 1,0 2,0 37,7 3180 0,386 154 141

FG16OR16 Cable Factory

FG16OH1R16 Why choose HuaDong?

Huadong Cable Group as a special FG16OH1R16 Cable factory in China, We not only have over 30 years of production experience and 15 years of export experience in FG16OH1R16 Cable, but also we have 15 senior engineers, they can free design the FG16OH1R16 Cable size according to client’s requirement. 
Our FG16OH1R16 export such as South Africa, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Korea, Mongolia, Yemen, Cambodia, Thailand, Kenya, Tanzania, UAE, Botswana,Nigeria, Panama, Iran etc.High quality service and production are the first choice of many customers.

For the FG16OH1R16–0.6/1 kV price, Please feel free to leave your requirement, We will reply you in 12 hours.


Any cable inquiry please contact us.